In January, I did go to see a Portland Trail Blazer game! I sat in the cheap seats, in fact there was only one row of seats higher than me! Sadly, the Blazers lost to the Utah Jazz that night. Of course, until I moved out here, I had never heard of either team so I was not grief stricken. My friend Holly who is a die hard fan, may have felt differently.
In February, for about eight days, I was the harried owner of three cats. It is safe to make the assumption that Jackson, the 11 year old cat (whom I have had for nine years) was not pleased. The two cats were absolutely adorable and playful, except that they wanted to act that way at one in the morning. They managed to break a porcelain potpourri dish and take everything out of my garbage can. I quickly realized that I am a one cat person and found homes for the other two.

Just yesterday, I awoke at 4:44am (a time at which no human should ever be awake) and prepared to travel to Federal Way, WA. I with six other ladies drove that morning after meeting for some much needed caffeine at Starbucks. We met an additional five ladies (who had the common sense to go up the night before and were therefore well rested) for a women's conference. The speaker was Carolyn McCulley and she talked about feminism and her book, Radical Womanhood. She showed that what often happens is that we see problems in society and we try to pinpoint the problem. Unfortunately, we don't always use a world-view that includes God and recognize that we are in a fallen world. So we end up labeling people as problems, when it is not the people but the sin. This is why we do not honor marriage and children the same anymore. I hate to leave this subject with such general statements, but I encourage you that if this strikes a cord with you, pick up Carolyn's book.
Finally, work and school. Always fun topics. Work is going well and I am learning a lot about being a case manager. It is a great complement to my schooling even though I am not my client's counselor. It gives me a better perspective of where they may be at and both of them are all about setting clear, reasonable goals. In school, I am signed up for my next semester of classes and am in the midst of my practicum. This means I am counseling an undergrad. student once a week for 12 weeks. This task definitely keeps me humble and I know I have a lot to learn!
What will be coming up next? Well, in May I am flying back to Virginia for my friend, Sandy's wedding and to see my family. The only sad thing about flying home in May is that I will be in town for the annual church camping trip. I am not sure if you remember my last camping trip, but I forgot a few important things (namely my sleeping bag) and ended up with some spectacular spider bites. I suppose tent camping gets better, but I really miss my family's camper!
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