Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard

Today I am participating in a massive guest blog post. Jon Acuff, author of the book, Stuff Christians Like and a blog with the same name has allowed 127 people to participate in a post today. Please go to his website (listed below) and start adding up your scorecard! Be sure to check out all the blogs along the way!

88. The give Psalty a shout out from the stage = + 2 points (If you don't know who Psalty is, go ahead and subtract 100 points off your own score.)

To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit Stuff Christians Like.


Prudy said...

Awwww Psalty. The 80's were that bad weren't they.

Anonymous said...

I was totally the kid Psalty in the time machine play...*sigh* those were the good days.

Tonja said...

I'm visiting the other hosts of Jon's blog tour. Welcome to the West Coast! Tonja (#122 on Jon's list)