Blog Archive

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Year...

Okay, I fell off the face of the earth for a few weeks and I failed to do a New Years post. So did anyone make any resolutions and if so did you manage to keep them for more than 12 hours? I am not into the whole resolutions thing, but after a few not so subtle hints from friends...I am "resolved" to try to do better about maintaining contact with people. So there that is the best I can do, here is a little music video that Rhett and Link made about resolutions, which I find quite funny...

The snow is completely gone now and I am thankful for that. I did learn something interesting the other day, fog can freeze to roads. I don't know if anyone else knew that, but I did not. It just seems weird that a cloud can freeze to land, well, maybe fog isn't a cloud, but that is how I perceive it. So with this new knowledge, not only do I have to worry about fog reducing visibility, I have to worry about it sticking to the road and causing black ice. Somehow that just doesn't seem right.

Okay, I know that was totally ridiculous...anyway in other news, my church had their first Children's Ministry service and I was a small group leader. I was really nervous as most of my experience with children revolves around pom poms and chants at football games. I think it went well, but I know I can work on my ability to explain semi-complex matters to 6-8 year olds. I get stuck in my graduate school mentality and use words that maybe are the most appropriate (or understandable) to first and second graders. I would appreciate prayer in this area, that I may be more effective with my group. Today is also Sanctity of Life Sunday. I am committed to the preservation of life; especially the unborn, who have no voice of their own. We had a visit from Options 360, which is a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Women come to them to get free pregnancy tests and many are considering abortion when they enter the door. Options 360 offers these women a free ultrasound, which can detect ectopic pregnancies and other concerns, but also gives these women an opportunity to see their baby and hear the baby's heartbeat. 93% of the time, a mother changes her mind about abortion when she has the ultrasound. I think that it reminds them that the child is not some thing inside them, the child is someone.

1 comment:

Ashley Elisabeth said...

New Year's resolutions! hahahaha.