Blog Archive

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day Four - Burley, ID

Day Four

I am in Burley, Idaho. Don't worry if you never heard of it, I didn't either until I made my reservation. Today, was a pretty good travel day, except Jackson is about done with the whole "road trip" thing. She figured out that when I start taking bags out of the room, it means she will be going in the carrier and back into the car. So this morning, she hid under the dresser and wouldn't come out. Once we finally got in the car, she was very vocal for about three hours and at that point I covered her carrier with a towel and she finally went to sleep.

Now, if any of you get the chance, you should drive through Wyoming and Utah. It is simply stunning. I have a bunch of pictures below of some of the sights I saw. There is even some of those really cool windmill things that use the wind to generate electricity. I must also take a moment to mention a special little town: Little America, WY. The only things in this town are a hotel and a gas station. Normally, this would not be worth mentioning, but the advertising this town has gone to is quite amazing. It started 200 miles from Little America, there the first billboard was set up. Then about every 20 miles, there were more and then within 50 miles of the town, the increased exponentially. By then time you reach Little America you are really intrigued to find out if is worth all the hype. The best part is once you pass it, it starts to advertise for its other hotel, 200 miles away in Salt Lake City, UT.

Well, enough of that, here are the pictures. I am certain that there is nothing man could create that can compare to what God has created when he made the earth.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures...You are almost there!!!!

Ashley Elisabeth said...

yay christina! bleh. you need to post pics of your apartment when you get there.