Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Pondering

So, I have not updated in a while and I bet a few of you are wondering if I will ever finish my book review.

Well, I have had my doubts as well, but I think that I will finish it.  Why have I not been posting?  I have been thinking about posting a lot, but I am more concerned about what I post than when I post.  Now I know that I do not have a million readers (heck, I probably barely have ten), but I want to be intentional about what I write.

I still want to do fun updates and post pictures, but it seems that if a person is posting something on to the world wide web then it ought to mean something.  I'm not talking about every post being a life changing experience, but I would like a little more depth and thought to go into what I write.

So that is where I am at the moment, stuck in my head.  In fact this very post has been running through my thoughts for about six weeks.  It feels good to get it out of my head and onto my computer screen.  What will be posted in the coming weeks?  I have no idea, but I hope that it is something worthy of being read and something that makes you think.  It might make you laugh (because I like to laugh), I doubt it will make you cry (because I am lousy at writing sad things) and who knows it might make you rethink the way you look at the world.

If not, well, I tried.

One last thing!  If you like to write or want to write and need some motivation, next month is NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month.  The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel.  Don't stop to edit or make sure your storyline is accurate, just write until you can write no more!  Several friends of mine are participating and I am giving it serious thought as well.  You can learn more at:

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