Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day Happenings and Other Things

Well, Valentine's Day has come and passed, but I actually had plans this year. No, it wasn't with "that someone special" (I haven't met him yet), I took part in a Single Ladies Night Out. Three other women and I went out to Outback Steakhouse and had a really good time. It was fun to meet new people, dress up and go out on the town. Afterward, we hit up TCBY for dessert.

I am also proud to announce that I successfully baked a Cherry Glazed Chocolate Torte all by myself! Many know my baking skills are not that strong, so I was very happy when my dessert turned out so well. The best part was that it was so good, that I didn't have to worry about any leftovers coming home with me!

I got word the other day that my shipmates from USS PEARL HARBOR are scheduling a reunion in June, but alas I will not be able to make it. I will be flying home that week to see all my friends and family! At least with Facebook we are able to all keep up with each others lives.

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