How many of you know that it is important to drink water?
How many of you try to substitute alternative beverages because water is not that fun to drink?
I am here to tell you that water is important, unless you like looking like this:
The above photo is evidence of what a lack of water intake can do to a person. I spend most of my days trying to consume caffeine in all its glorious forms to help me stay awake. Unfortunately, water did not hold such a place in my heart.
So why do I look like this? My salivary gland is clogged. Yes, you read that right, my salivary gland is clogged. Because of this, I have pronounced swelling (gee, like that wasn't obvious), pain and I cannot chew anything. Today is Sunday, I have been like this since Friday. Of course, I tried to hold off going to the doctor because I just knew that it would go away on its own. Thanks to some very concerned friends, I called for nurse advice and was sent to Urgent Care.
Now some of you may ask, how do you fix a clogged salivary gland? Well, you don't drink Draino that's for sure! My doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory medication, decongestants and an interesting suggestion: chew lemons.
Apparently, lemons cause the mouth to increase salivation, which could (somewhat like Draino) push the clog out and help my face return to normal. So my hope is that by this weekend, when I attend my friend's wedding, my face will have returned to normal.
One can only hope.
So, let this be a lesson to us all that water is essential to the body.
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