Blog Archive

Monday, September 1, 2008

30 Hours and Counting...

In less than two days, I will begin my journey across the United States. There is a sense of anticpation, but at the same time, it just does not feel real yet. I guess when Jackson and I hit the road for the first leg of our trip, it will sink in.

Today, I packed the car and finished boxing up what didn't fit (and there is a lot that will not fit in a little Kia!). I had dinner with my family and fed my favorite chicken (pics to be posted tomorrow). Yesterday at church, there was a guest preacher, Gene Emerson. He spoke about running the race for Christ. He stated it is easy to start, but it is hard to persevere. I started this race months ago, when I made the decision to leave. Now, I am rounding the curve so to speak and starting line is going to fade from my sight. I am so excited to start this journey and to step out in faith, but I must admit, it is a bit scary too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Christina,Your "Blog" looks great;as one would expect from the former Newsletter editor.  Everyone at VBCDC will enjoy hearing from you in this way.  Drive carefully and keep in touch.Mary Kay

Anonymous said...

Hi, Christina!

I sense your anticipation in this post, knowing there is something beginning here, and something unknown ahead; knowing God's service requires perseverance, and what He requires, He also provides.

I have been drawn lately to Paul's prayer in Colossians, and I will be praying for you to be 'strengthened with power according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy'...

With love,

Anonymous said...

I admire how you are following God's voice and doing what he has called you to do.

Have a safe trip!
